Benefits of a Birth Doula
Decreased maternal stress
More breastfeeding
Greater self-esteem
Confidence in mothering
A decreased likelihood of postpartum depression and anxiety
Decreased need for medical technological interventions or pain medications (such as Ceasarean, epidural use, pitocin, analgesic narcotics, forceps and vacuum delivery)
Lower rates of birth complications or having a low birth weight newborn
Statistics of Birth Doula use
50% reduction in cesarean rate
25% shorter labor
60% reduction in epidural requests
30% reduction in pain medication use
40% reduction in forceps delivery
40% reduction in oxytocin (pitocin) use
***As concluded by Dr.s Marshall Klaus and John Kennel during clinical trials on the medical outcomes of labor companion attended birth.
What does a birth doula DO?
A birth doula is a woman knowledgeable in childbirth who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to the mother before, during and just after childbirth. Trained doulas are aware of the physiology of birth and the emotional needs of a woman in labor. A doula's mindset is that pregnancy and birth are normal, natural, and healthy processes. This includes preparation for birth, helping the laboring woman with continuous support, comfort measures, relaxation and coping techniques. There is a brief period of postpartum care and if additional help is required, a postpartum doula can be hired.
What does a birth doula DO NOT do?
A doula should never participate in medical/clinical tasks. A doula does not take blood pressure, check fetal heart tones, take temperature, or perform internal exams. She does not give medical advice or interfear with medical care. She also does not push her own birth ideals onto a birthing mother A doula does not make decision for her clients nor does she or will she replace partners or other family members. She does not speak for her clients nor does she have the power to give or take power from her client. A doula does not force her client to use the tools or methods she is offering and does not judge a mother if she doesn't.
MA Maternity Basic Birth Care Package
3 prenatal visits to discuss family’s birth wishes and create a birth plan
Discuss doula's involvement and how she can help the mother’s partner be most involved in the birth process.
Unlimited phone/text and email communication to provide mother with ongoing information all through her pregnancy related to health, diet, positioning, aromatherapy, herbal support, pain relief techniques, comfort tips, evidence based practices, ways to harness and retain energy and more.
Practice breathing techniques during prenatal visits
Practice hands on techniques and positioning during prenatal visits that may be used during labor.
Go over / help build a detailed personalized birth plan.
24 hour availability starting 2 weeks before the due date until birth.
Accompany mother to one doctor's appointment
Undivided attention and presence during the labor.
3 postpartum visits with traditional postpartum care.
1 Childbirth education class
1 Brennan Healing session
Basic Birth Care package starts at $1,300.00
I am a natural birth advocate AND I do not discriminate against or discourage medically intervened births. I do believe everyone is entitled to plan their birth their way. Birth in ANY form is sacred.